Clarence, the truth

Clarence is a show about a ghetto kid living in the ghetto. I banged my head on a wall while smoking weed for 3 hours to get this theory, hope you like it.
Clarence was just a normal boy, in a normal city. World war 3 started when Russia nuked multiple areas in the us. Luckily for Clarence nothing hit his area. Things started to get weird, curfews were set up and he often heard gunshots. The next day he woke up, and his mom was gone. Clarence sat there for hours crying until something cracked, his mind started to deteriorate. The next day he killed his best friends while they were at his house.
He started to eat sand calling it "floor sugar" and his mind was near nothing.
The next day he thought he could fly, He fell to death.
He made an alternate reality in his mind with all his friends and family. He was never accepted into the dead land. The real city was bombed and the US was no more.